Volunteer Interest Entry

Parking (welcoming people and directing them to available spots)
Greeting (welcoming and greeting, both inside and outside)
KidsCo (Opportunities include greeting, checkin, teaching, assisting, drama, tech, security, stage design, volunteer coach with birth-5th graders)
NCC Students (Building relationships with students; opportunities include leading small groups, preparing food, and more)
Band/Vocals (sing and/or play an instrument in worship - Click Here )
Tech/Production (assist with lighting, graphics, and sound for worship gatherings)
NCC Online Hosts (host our online gatherings, creating a welcoming online environment and encouraging next steps)
Facilities/Grounds (help take care of building maintenance during the week)
Cleaning Team /// (cleaning, sanitizing, and preparing our facility for the weekend worship gatherings -- meets on Wednesday mornings at 10am)
Hospitality (prepares and serves meals at church and delivers meals to those in need in our community)