21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

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Join us for a 21 day journey with God. Signup below and choose if you want to receive an email or a text everyday. We will begin on January 9th.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. - Matthew 6:33

Before we begin these 21 days of fasting and prayer, it’s important for us to first consider why we would participate in this. Earlier in Matthew 6, Jesus addresses the subjects of fasting and prayer amongst other things as well. In the context of those teachings, Jesus taught that we are to seek first the kingdom of God. That is our reason for these 21 days and beyond. We are not participating primarily for a desired outcome or result. We don’t engage with these practices because they are requirements. Rather, we participate in these practices because of the invitation of Jesus to seek first his kingdom and righteousness. This is seeking first God and His reign, rule, righteousness, and relationship with you.


Before you begin these 21 days of fasting and prayer:

  • Take a moment to consider your “why” for doing so.
  • Take a moment to reflect on the invitation of Jesus to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness.
  • How does considering these practices of fasting and prayer as an invitation instead of a requirement reframe your approach?